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Weather and rain radar in HYGO
Updated over a week ago

HYGO weather maps

Find the 5-day forecast on your main screen. We base our forecast on the city you entered when you created your account.

Read this article to find out how to change your location.

Scroll to the right to access the following days, then click on the day you want. The weather forecast is displayed hour by hour, with the following information:

  • Temperature

  • Rain

  • Wind

  • Hygrometry

HYGO radar and rain cloud

In the top right-hand corner, click on the Radar and rain cloud icon.

The radar operates over a range from 30 minutes before to 2 hours after.

  • The map is positioned on your localisation.

  • Follow the conditions as they unfold over the hours, and click on pause/go back using the cursor if you need to.

  • You can zoom out the map to get an overview of Europe.

  • Finally, click on ‘+ Legend’ to understand what the colours on the clouds mean.

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